Joseph Roque

👋 I’m a mobile developer living in Vancouver. Sometimes I work on personal projects, sometimes I go for runs, and sometimes I blog about things.

Creating the Hive Mind — Writing a Hive Engine

Joseph Roque


This post is the 1st post in my series Creating the Hive Mind — Building an AI for the board game Hive. If you’re unfamiliar with the topic, start at the beginning and work your way through. Feel free to reach out to me on Twitter if you need any clarification or have any suggestions!

Getting Started

My first step in writing the Hive Mind, was to create a robust implementation of the rules of the game, so the AI can play within the rules. If the AI must constantly explore moves it can’t legally make, a lot of time and resources are wasted, and it could end up choosing a move that isn’t even valid.

There’s one thing I want to mention before diving in, if you plan on creating your own AI, or your own game engine. When I created the first version of the Hive Mind, it was slow. Measuring its performance and looking for bottlenecks lead me to the game engine. It’s important to remember throughout this process that while the AI is looking for strong positions as a result of specific moves, it’s making heavy use of the engine constantly, to ensure it plays within the rules of the game. If there’s one place to look for performance improvements, it’ll likely be in the game’s engine. Though you don’t want worries about the performance preventing you from making further progress on your own AI, keeping this in mind when you get started could save you the headaches I had.

The Game State

The primary class in the Hive Engine is the GameState. It represents a singular state of a game of Hive, and offers methods for mutation. With the GameState, I can perform 3 things:

  • Enumerate all valid moves in any valid game state
  • Consume a movement and update the state accordingly
  • Track the history of moves made, and undo those moves

Let’s consider a typical game of Hive. What does the board look like at the start of a game? Each player has 11 pieces to play (not considering the expansions). White will move first. There’s only one position they can play, since wherever the first piece gets placed becomes the origin for the rest of the game. All of these elements make up the GameState

Representing the Board

To represent the state of a game of Hive, we need to know:

  • Which pieces have been played, by which player
  • Where they currently sit on board
  • Whose turn it is

There’s a couple other things we’ll need to track (mainly for the expansions), but that’s the gist! Each of the classes we use are described below.


All of the pieces in the game are represented by the Unit class. A Unit has an index, a class and an owner. The class defines what type of bug a Unit represents, and lets the engine determine which moves it can make. The owner is simply which player, Black or White, owns the piece. And finally, the index, lets the engine differentiate between units of an identical class.


A Position defines a space on the board where a Unit can be placed. Since pieces can be stacked, at each Position in the GameState, there’s a stack of Units.

Positions rely on a hexagonal grid system, inspired by an excellent article by Red Blog Games. Details on the grid system implementation can be found here. Currently, the engine relies on the grid system based in 3-dimensional coordinates, but in the future I intend to explore relative positioning, as a potential optimization.

Changing Positions

In the game of Hive, there are a couple rules one must follow when moving a piece from one Position to another. The Position class defines the rules, and uses an instance of a GameState to determine where the pieces sit, and if a movement from one Position to another is feasible.

The freedom of movement rule limits movements between Positions based on the stacks surrounding the two Positions in question. At least one of those stacks can’t be taller than both the start Position and end Position, or the movement isn’t allowed.

The one hive rule limits the movements of a piece when moving it would cause a stack at a Position to become empty, and create disconnect in the board. If you imagine the board as a graph, it must always remain a single, connected graph.

Enumerating Movements

For the Hive Mind to be able to explore various states and determine which move is the best to make in a given situation, it must be able to determine valid movements in any given state. The GameState class therefore offers the availableMoves property, which enumerate all possible movements for each Unit to any Position it can feasibly be moved to that turn. There are 4 types of movements, represented in the Movement enumeration:

  1. .move(unit:to:) specifies that a given Unit be moved to a given Position
  2. .place(unit:at:) specifies that a given Unit be placed at a given Position
  3. .yoink(pillBug:unit:to) is a special Movement type, reserved for games with the Pill Bug expansion. It specifies that a given Pill Bug is being used to move another Unit to a certain Position
  4. .pass, which is only available when no other moves are possible, and specifies that a player has no valid moves in the current state, and must secede their turn.

Each Unit is responsible for determining which moves it can make in any given state. The Unit class has a function moves(as:in:moveSet) which uses the Class of a Unit to figure out which moves are valid. These moves, across all the pieces on the board, are combined in the GameState property availableMoves. My intention for the Hive Mind is to make heavy use of this property, so it can weigh the effectiveness of all the available moves, and select the best one. Therefore, I’ve tried to add some optimizations in the engine around this property, but there’s still lots of room for improvement.


Finally, in order to ensure the Hive Mind is only exploring valid move, while also considering all possible valid moves, I’ve created a rigorous test suite for the engine. With the test suite, I’ve tried to create a number of various situations each piece might find themselves in, then ensure it enumerates all of the valid positions, and no invalid ones. For each piece, there’s a corresponding Unit+PieceNameTests.swift that describes all of the tests pertaining to that particular piece and how it might move around the board.

There are a number of tests for the GameState as well that simply verify its functionality in various scenarios.

Finally, the Hive Engine relies on Perft Tests as a final validation step for its move generator. Jon Thysell has created an excellent central resource for Perft validation in Hive, which you can find here. Unfortunately, as of writing this, the Hive Engine lacks the performance capabilities, and I lack a good enough computer, to run the full Perft suite in a reasonable time to fully verify the engine’s results

Wrap up

That’s it for this post! I hope to continue writing about my Hive Engine and, eventually, the Hive Mind. You can find the source for the Hive Engine on GitHub